About Us
St. Peter’s began with meetings to explore the formation of a Lutheran congregation in Rockford in 1963. Rev. Kenneth Mueller, St. Peter’s founding pastor, was called as a missionary-at-large the following year and the congregation officially called him as its pastor and began holding regular services in 1965.
Later that year, the first church building (now the fellowship hall) was begun, where the congregation met until 1989, when the current sanctuary was constructed and a multi-year effort to renovate the facilities to their present configuration soon followed.
In 1986, the congregation founded St. Peter’s Lutheran Preschool, which has since grown to provide early childhood education for an enrollment of over 130 children and gained recognition as an excellent early childhood program.
St. Peter’s is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, a nationwide denomination of around 6000 congregations and 2 million members, with headquarters in St. Louis, MO.